Practical Pl/Sql: Explorations In Oracle Pl/Sql programming.

  • Table Data Comparison: Row Differences

    A common task that database developers encounter is comparing data between two different sources to see rows with differences. This can be a table that is loaded with new data that needs to be compared with existing rows to see what rows need to be loaded. If we rewrite an existing view, the output of…

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  • Cursor Basics: Cursor Iteration Controls

    In the previous post we discussed the use of bulk collect and limit to optimize cursor iteration. This gave us a way to see the undocumented bulk prefetch optimization that has been applied behind the scenes to the cursor for loop. Unless there are gains to be made from tuning a bulk collect limit, the…

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  • Cursor Basics: Bulk Binds

    In the previous post we discussed the most basic approaches to iterating through a resultset using cursors. Since those approaches traverse the cursor one row at a time they are often referred to as slow by slow processing. This slowness turns out to be the cost of switching between the PL/SQL engine and the SQL…

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  • Cursor Basics: A Fetching Difference

    There are some techniques that are really basic to what we do everyday as PL/SQL developers. There is a tendency to automatically do these basic things in the same way without considering the alternatives that the particular situation might merit. In this post and the next we will explore one of these basic techniques in…

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  • Getting Started For Free

    Because the intended audience for this blog is anyone that works with or wants to work with Oracle PL/SQL, from the advanced expert to the beginner, I want to take a moment before things get technical to go over some tools that are as important to database development as pots and pans are for cooking.…

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  • Writing Excellent Code

    Once you have started to absorb the fact that there are many ways to accomplish a given programming task, you should find yourself asking questions like the following. What is the best way to do this? Are there rules and standards for writing code properly? Is the fact that the code works now any sort…

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  • Open Source Listing Created

    Hello, I am still working on getting things set up here at While I am getting things organized, I want to bring your attention to a new resource that I have attached to the site. The Open Source Project Listing For Pl/Sql Like any type of writing, good code is all about exposure and…

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  • A Statement of Direction

    Mission statement and credits for this blog.

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