Category: Pl/Sql

  • Table Data Comparison: Row Differences

    A common task that database developers encounter is comparing data between two different sources to see rows with differences. This can be a table that is loaded with new data that needs to…

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  • Cursor Basics: Cursor Iteration Controls

    In the previous post we discussed the use of bulk collect and limit to optimize cursor iteration. This gave us a way to see the undocumented bulk prefetch optimization that has been applied…

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  • Cursor Basics: Bulk Binds

    In the previous post we discussed the most basic approaches to iterating through a resultset using cursors. Since those approaches traverse the cursor one row at a time they are often referred to…

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  • Cursor Basics: A Fetching Difference

    There are some techniques that are really basic to what we do everyday as PL/SQL developers. There is a tendency to automatically do these basic things in the same way without considering the…

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  • Writing Excellent Code

    Once you have started to absorb the fact that there are many ways to accomplish a given programming task, you should find yourself asking questions like the following. What is the best way…

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