
Hello! My name is Anthony Harper, welcome to Practical Pl/Sql, my blog about Oracle Pl/Sql Programming.

I have been working with Oracle SQL and PL/SQL since Oracle 8i. Because of my background in Philosophy I approach writing code like any writing activity, focusing on clarity and ease of understanding. I enjoy exploring new features as they are introduced in the Oracle platform.

I really love the challenge of refactoring complex code for reusability and future maintainability. Database instrumentation of large PL/SQL implementations is my special focus. I also enjoy music, cooking, science fiction and everything Star Trek.

You can find me online in the links below or just send me a message using the comments form.

When I am not at work, you can find me working out at the Oracle DevGym.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

I am honored to be included in the Oracle ACE directory.

I maintain these Open Source repositories on github:

The source code for articles here on Practical Plsql:

Tools and Examples For PL/SQL API Development and Administration:

Oracle PL/SQL API: Event Management Demo: