
This is a directory for blogs relating to Oracle PL/Sql development that you may find useful.

Blogs on oracle technology are a valuable learning resource that should be leveraged in addition to the documetntation and hands on experience.

Like the directory of open source projects, blogs can show technical approaches and perspectives that you have not been exposed to.

As a developer, its always good to expand your toolbox of available solutions for solving problems.

Please send me a message with links to any blogs that should be added to the list.

Just for fun, the entries are alphabetical by first name, except for Steven’s blog which deserves to be first in any listing related to Pl/Sql.

Steven Feuerstein: Obsessed with Oracle PL/SQl

Adrian Billington:

Alex Nuijten: Notes On Oracle

Amis: Data Driven Blog

Amy Simpson Grange – Blog

Andrej Pashchenko: SQLORA

Chris Saxon: All Things SQL

Connor McDonald’s Blog

Dani Schnider: Data Warehousing with Oracle

Eduardo Claro: An Oracle Blog

Jonathan Lewis: Oracle Scratchpad

Kim Berg Hansen: KiBeHa

Marc Bleron: Odie’s Oracle Blog

Oracle Optimizer Teams Official Blog

Oren Nakdimon: db-ORIENTED

Paul Zip’s Oracle Blog

Prashant Dixit: Tales From A Lazy Fat Dba

Stew Ashton: An Oracle Programmer

Tim Hall: Oracle-Base